27 November 2013

Thankful for ___________

Well, I had some problems when thinking about this blog. First, who should I write about? Second, what should I write about that person? Third, why am I even writing this all out here to begin with? Such a fail...

Anyway, I decided to thank everybody for a great year so far. However, I'd like to thank Jonathon Marek especially. 

Thanks for supporting my goal to become a better writer. You've made my year much more enjoyable knowing that I have a friend to have fun with.

You always seem to know what to say to brighten up my mood after a horrible start to the day.

You never fail to make me laugh when we're just hanging out.

We may not agree on everything, but we never fight (seriously) and if we have a disagreement, we always find a solution and never stay angry at each other for long.

You always respond to my jokes even when they're really, really, really, really bad (like, really).

You're a great help with math team and even when things get a bit rowdy, you never try to drag me into sticky situations that would get me kicked off by association.

Thanks for being a great friend, Jonathon! :) And sorry for not doing you justice with this.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone :D

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